I'm always reading something, usually multiple books at a time.
"You" are Layla Golden. "I" am her little sister Nell. "We" are 17 months apart in age and live in San Francisco, where "we" shuttle between our divorced parents and attend City Day School.
Sound crazy? The first-person narrator is 15-year-old Nell Golden, who recounts her story while addressing her sister Layla as "you," thereby placing the reader in the "Layla" role. I found this a little off-putting at times, especially when "I" was being told things that "I" would undoubtedly already know. I found myself making notes of "As you know, Bob" on some of the text. Then there was even an actual "As you know," to which I simply added a note of "Bob."
Layla has a big secret. Nell feels obligated to keep it, because she and Layla have always been close. She doesn't want to betray her.
And cliffhanger. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this enough that I want to read the next installment(s). BUT. I am going to have to take a break from trilogies one of these days. Why do I keep doing this to myself? And I let NetGalley feed my habit, too! I've just downloaded what is book two in a series, and I've obtained book one from my library's e-collection so I can get caught up. And then there is that trilogy I'm listening to in audio form. Too many!
I received this book as a free, uncorrected galley from NetGalley. This does not prevent me from writing an honest review.